
This module contains utility functions, mainly used for internal purposes.


_cache(network, func, params, result_keys[, ...]) Save result of func(**params) into network dicts using result_keys.


check_if_positive(parameters, parameter_names) Check that will raise an error if parameters are negative.
check_for_valid_k_in_fast_synaptic_regime(...) Check whether tau_m and tau_s imply fast synaptic regime.
_check_positive_params(func) Decorator that checks that a fixed list of parameters is positive.
_check_k_in_fast_synaptic_regime(func) Decorator checking whether func is operating in fast synaptic regime.


build_full_arg_list(signature, args, kwargs) Creates a full list of arguments including standard arguments.
get_list_of_required_parameters(func) Returns list of arguments required by func.
get_list_of_optional_parameters(func) Returns list of optional arguments of func.
get_required_network_params(network, func[, ...]) Extracts dict with required args for func from network.network_params.
get_optional_network_params(network, func) Extracts dict with optional args for func from network.network_params.
get_required_results(network, keys, results_keys) Extracts dict with results from network.results.