Release notes

NNMT 1.3.0

NNMT 1.2.0

  • Generalize firing rate integration: It is now possible to specify functions that have to be iterated with the firing rates in a dictionary including their input arguments. This allows a much more general usage of the function.
  • Generalize input functions in and lif.exp: They now simply pass on given arguments, such that future changes of functions in lif._general only affect the function in lif._general. Therefore, we introduced new utility functions that allow automatic extraction of required and optional parameters from network parameters and the functions to be executed.
  • Allow usage of external input currents in calculation of mean_input and firing rates for lif neurons

NNMT 1.1.1

  • Add Hahne et al. 2017 and Layer et al. 2022 to delta firing rate references.

NNMT 1.1.0

  • Move firing rate integration procedure used for lif neurons from nnmt.lif._general to nnmt._solvers, where such general solving procedures are to be collected in the future.
  • Add methods for binary neurons: - mean input - std input - mean activity - balanced threshold
  • Add example comparing binary firing rates with simulation.
  • Fix bug of fixture creation for lif neurons, which wouldn’t create all fixtures on passing all
  • Move helper functions for lif fixture creation to own file.
  • Add tests and fixture creation for binary neurons.

NNMT 1.0.2

  • Fix calculation of mean input and std input for lif.exp. Previously tau_m was multiplied with the firing rates before the dot product with the connectivity. However, as tau_m is representing the post-synaptic membrane time constant, it should be multiplied after performing the dot product.
  • Fix explanation of tau_m in docstrings.
  • Add new integration test for lif.exp._firing_rates with vector parameters.
  • Fix docopt usage in fixture creation for unit and integration fixtures.

NNMT 1.0.1

  • Deepcopy parameter dictionaries on instantiation of network model. Otherwise dictionary items can change unwantedly if netork parameters are changed.
  • Add approximations and assumptions to docstrings.
  • Add explanation of approximations to docs.
  • Add table of LIF parameters and NNMT variables to docs.
  • Fix description in docstrings for tau_s.
  • Fix typos in docstrings.
  • Add new example of adjusting the low-gamma peak in the microcircuit model.
  • Add pytest and pytest-mock to setup requirements, such that after pip installion the tests can be run.

NNMT 1.0.0

Initial release.