.. _citing: How to cite the toolbox ======================= As the main reference, we recommend citing the paper in which we present and discuss the toolbox along with a few use cases: Layer, M., Senk, J., Essink, S., van Meegen, A., Bos, H., & Helias, M. (2022). NNMT: Mean-field based analysis tools for neuronal network models. Frontiers in Neuroinformatics, 16, 835657. `doi:10.3389/fninf.2022.835657 `_ For a specific release, we recommend to use the reference from `Zenodo `_. Otherwise, you can also provide a link to our `GitHub repository `_ with the hash of the respective commit. In addition, please also cite the publications that used the methods implemented here first. You can find details on which function of this package refers to which publication in the respective function's docstring.