.. _sec_binary: ====== Binary ====== Here you find tools for binary neurons. .. autosummary:: :toctree: _autosummary :template: custom-submodule-template.rst nnmt.binary ****** Theory ****** For a description of how binary neurons and the respective network dynamics is defined see :cite:t:`helias2014`. ********* Variables ********* Here you find how variables of binary neurons are named in NNMT: .. list-table:: :widths: 50 25 25 :header-rows: 1 * - Quantity - Symbol - Variable name * - Synaptic weight matrix - :math:`\boldsymbol{J}` - ``J`` * - External synaptic weight matrix - :math:`\boldsymbol{J}_\mathrm{ext}` - ``J_ext`` * - Indegree matrix - :math:`\boldsymbol{K}` - ``K`` * - External indegree matrix - :math:`\boldsymbol{K}_\mathrm{ext}` - ``K_ext`` * - Number of neurons - :math:`\boldsymbol{N}` - ``N`` * - Population rates - :math:`\boldsymbol{m}` - ``m`` * - External population rates - :math:`\boldsymbol{m}_\mathrm{ext}` - ``m_ext`` * - Mean of synaptic input - :math:`\boldsymbol{\mu}` - ``mu`` * - Standard deviation of synaptic input - :math:`\boldsymbol{\sigma}` - ``sigma`` * - Firing thresholds - :math:`\Theta` - ``theta``